Science The Origin of Quantum Mechanics (feat. Neil Turok) by DDF - October 14, 2012 0 Source Tags: Atomic, bang, Big, black hole, boson, cat, catastrophe, cosmic, dark, dimension, einstein, electromagnetism, electron, energy, force, galaxy, General, gravity, henry, higgs, infinite, infinity, Institute, Lectures, LHC, light, Massey, Masseys, max, Maxwell, minute, minutephysics, moon, Neil, neutrino, nuclear, Olber's, paradox, Perimeter, photon, physics, Planck, quantum, red, redshift, reich, relativity, Schrodinger, science, shift, sky, special, stars, string, strong, sun, Telekinesis, theory, tides, Turok, ultraviolet, universe, vsauce, weak